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Thomas Deacon Education Trust

Year 6 students from TDAJ and GPA attend study sessions at Thomas Deacon Academy

Year 6 pupils have been involved in English and Maths study sessions that have been taught by secondary staff from Thomas Deacon Academy. The focus of these sessions has been to develop the pupil’s confidence in more challenging learning tasks, in preparation for the SATs in May.

The English lessons lasted for six weeks and were focused on developing greater depth in creative writing.

Amel in year 6 said "The lessons helped me to grow in confidence with more challenging work. We had some assessments which were focused on the expectations for GCSE writing."

The Math's lessons focussed on developing greater mathematical skills and analytical thinking.

Megan said "It's fun because we get to learn things that we wouldn't do in other math's lessons. We have to use logic to solve different problems".

With an increasing focus on reasoning skills for Key Stage 2, these lessons have given pupils a range of skills to support them with their reasoning in maths. The pupils really enjoyed visiting the Secondary Phase, giving them a greater sense of independence that will aid with the transition in September.