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Thomas Deacon Education Trust

A student from Queen Katharine Academy, part of Thomas Deacon Education Trust, is delighted to have been awarded a Bronze Award by the British Institute of Professional Photography (BIPP) in their annual international image competition.

The British Institute of Professional Photography is one of the longest-running photography organisations in the world, and their annual awards are the leading qualifying body for professional photographers.

These internationally recognised awards aim to celebrate the very best photography, highlight some of the most creative emerging talents and allow professional photographers the opportunity to share their work with peers and the wider public.

This year’s competition invited entries across 15 categories including the organisation’s ‘Student Photography of the Year’ title, with Nikolaos Tirchineci from Queen Katharine Academy winning Bronze for his ‘Ethereal Solitude’ submission.

Speaking of his achievement, Jane Driver, Headteacher at Queen Katharine Academy, said: “I am delighted that Nikolaos’s hard work has been recognised in this prestigious competition. Nikolaos is a very talented young individual who is capable of capturing the most captivating of images.”

To receive a Bronze award, Nikolaos had to compete against professional photographers from across the UK, with his success subsequently making him a top three finalist and winning a scholarship for the BIPP Scholarship Scheme.

Jane continued: “As acknowledged by the award organisers, the range of creativity and skills required to receive a Bronze Award amongst the hundreds of images entered is a brilliant achievement - and one that should be celebrated.

“Our team at Queen Katharine Academy community are all so proud of Nikolaos and have no doubt he will have a fantastic career ahead of him.”

Nikolaos Tirchineci said: “Photography for me is more than a passion, and an important tool which helps me express myself. Words cannot describe how happy I am to have received this award, especially as there was a lot of talented competition.

“I am also very excited to have been awarded a scholarship to study photography further and extend my skills and knowledge. My ambition is to achieve my dream of being a professional photographer, which will be a stepping stone towards many more achievements. I am very grateful to my teachers and the school for the support they have given me.”

Talking about ths year’s submissions, Martin Baynes, BIPP Chief Executive Officer, said: “The quality of this year’s entries was very high, with many wonderful and creative images in all genres. Myself and the judges were blown away by the talent and creativity shown.”

For more information on the academy please visit