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Thomas Deacon Education Trust


Students and staff across TDET’s seven academies celebrated another year of kind deeds at the Trust’s Act of Kindness Awards on Thursday 4 July. This annual event is organised together with Thomas Deacon Foundation, which works to preserve the legacy of TDET’s founder, Thomas Deacon.

The Act of Kindness Awards, held at St John the Baptist Church, Peterborough, are a highlight of the Trust’s year. The students and staff attending had been nominated for an impressive array of kind and compassionate deeds, each receiving framed certificates in the prestigious ceremony. The event also featured music and performances from students across the Trust’s academies.

Some of the Acts of Kindness carried out by students and staff included; supporting and fundraising for local community initiatives and charities, improving the natural environment at school to increase the local bumblebee population, organising exciting new trips and learning opportunities for students, learning British Sign Language to include other children, litter picking, running an after-school dance club, mentoring younger learners and taking care of new starters.

Between the academy award presentations, the audience was treated to an impressive line-up of student performances, including an amazing brass ensemble, a recent award-winning speech from Queen Katharine Academy student Victory, guitar music and singing, street dance, and a British Sign Language performance of the song ‘True Colours’.

The evening ended with the presentation of the TDET Awards. The TDET Student Award was received by four Thomas Deacon Academy Sixth Form students; Mehak Ali, Adam Butt, Falaq Ali and Karolina Styrkacz, for their volunteer work with Hussain Soup Kitchen and Peterborough Food Bank. These caring students have provided much needed compassion and friendliness to some of the city’s most vulnerable communities, giving up their weekends for many months. TDET’s Staff Award was then presented to Claire Poxon, Learning Mentor at Gladstone Primary Academy, for the warmth and care she has shown throughout her many years in education and her impact on hundreds of families and children across Peterborough. 

John Turner, Chair of Thomas Deacon Foundation, said: “It is wonderful to recognise and celebrate Acts of Kindness throughout our Trust at this unique event. Sometimes, it is the simple things that make the most difference and change lives, and it is inspirational to hear about all the kindness that has made such a difference across our Trust.

“It is more than 300 years since Thomas Deacon’s original kindness in leaving funds to open a charity school in Peterborough for 20 pupils, and we are incredibly proud to continue his legacy with Acts of Kindness in his honour.”

Scott Hudson, Chief Executive of TDET, said: “Congratulations to all the students and staff who received awards today, and to the many more students and staff across our Trust who undertake compassionate and charitable deeds every day within our academies and central office. It is truly moving to come together to celebrate their humanity and kindness, together with their families.

“Thank you to everyone who was involved in supporting this brilliant event, and to our fabulous award winners for continuing Thomas Deacon’s unique historic legacy to our Trust and local community.”