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Thomas Deacon Education Trust

QKA explores social mobility with international partners from Germany and Spain

This month saw the culminating week of QKA’s first Erasmus+ project with partner schools from Germany and Spain. Thirty Y10 and Y11 students took part in the project, with half of the group visiting Germany in February 2017 and the other half visiting Spain in October 2017. The final transnational exchange took place in Peterborough in March 2018.

The project focussed on three distinct minority groups and at the end of each project meeting, the students used poetry, dance and music to represent the plight of the people. In Peterborough, work from each of the project visits was brought together to produce a script and music production, which students presented during the final visit.  

Unfortunately, the visit to England was affected by the adverse weather, resulting in last minute changes to the itinerary; however the project team continued to work on their performance, which was delivered as planned, giving some very powerful and strong messages about human mobility.

QKA intend to apply for funding from the European Commission for a second project that will explore local heroes.