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Thomas Deacon Education Trust

The summer exam season was a cause for celebration across all Thomas Deacon Education Trust’s academies, with excellent results secured.

Julie Taylor, Chief Executive Officer of Thomas Deacon Education Trust, said: “We are delighted by the results achieved by all our students. Our members of staff are committed to securing the best possible outcomes and it is pleasing to see our students making better progress at all levels.


“Our ambition is to provide every child in our schools with the best life chances and high aspirations, whether that be university, higher level apprenticeships or full-time work.  We are confident that the quality of the teaching and learning in all our schools is good and continuously improving, meaning that students will be helped and supported to achieve their aspirations.”


Significant improvements were achieved at both Thomas Deacon Academy and Queen Katharine Academy in the Key Stage 4 GCSE results.


More than half of Thomas Deacon Academy’s students (54%) achieved a Grade 9-4 in both English and maths, with 37% securing a Grade 5 or higher in both subjects. This is an improvement in both measures on last year’s results, despite significant changes to the exam system this year.


Almost half (45%) of all grades at Queen Katharine Academy were also marked as a Grade 9-4, a staggering 15%-points improvement on last year’s results. The academy also secured a huge (5%-points) improvement in the proportion of students achieving a Grade 9-5 in both English and maths. These improved outcomes reflect the significantly improved level of progress students make at the academy and should result in a much stronger Progress 8 score when the league tables are published later this year.


This success was also reflected in the Trust’s Key Stage 5 A Level results.


Queen Katharine Academy secured another strong set of A Level results, with almost half (45%) of all grades returning the highest A*-B, and almost three-quarters (73%) at A*-C. More than three-quarters (77%) of students achieved three or more A Level passes as well.


Thomas Deacon Academy also secured excellent A Level results with a third (33%) of all grades achieving the highest A*-B grades and 63% at a C grade or higher. The number of students securing an A*-E pass in at least three A Levels also improved by 25%-points, rising to 84% of students achieving this.