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Thomas Deacon Education Trust

First NCFC Post 16 Open Day hailed a success 

Saturday 13th October 2018 saw Thomas Deacon Academy open their doors, as Norwich City Football Club held the first Regional Development Open Day event for the 2019/20 season. The programme coordinators were extremely pleased with the interest from students, attending from across Peterborough and the surrounding areas, in exploring what the Football & Education Programme can offer.

The morning started off with a short presentation from Head Coach and Course Coordinator, Conor Murphy, followed by input from Head of Physical Education at TDA, Becky Brown and Regional Development Programme Manager, Dominic Knighton.

Following the presentation, the group were split into two teams for a warm up with current RDP squad members, before the trial match. The trial consisted of three, thirty minute matches that allowed the coaches the opportunity to give advice and set challenges, to test the trial players, resulting in some high quality footballing skills, with all players looking to showcase their talent to the coaches.

Parents, watching on the sidelines, were able to speak with the coaches and sports teachers, raising any questions they may have had regarding the course to build up a bigger picture of what Norwich City Regional Development Programme can offer.

The next trial event will take place on Saturday 8th December 10.00am – 1.00pm at Thomas Deacon Academy.