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Thomas Deacon Education Trust

More than 70 TDA students complete the Duke of Edinburgh's Award.

Early December saw the annual Thomas Deacon Academy Duke of Edinburgh Award presentation evening take place.

In total 72 students completed their award in 2017/18 with over 45 students attending the event to receive their respective Award at Bronze, Silver or Gold level. Parents/carers, D of E staff leaders and special guests were invited to share in the celebration in the Drama Theatre.

After a brief look back at the hard work and determination put into the four sections over the last year, guest speaker and former student, Ollie Grant shared his experience of sailing across the Indian Ocean and the unexpected turn of events that made him realise what it feels like to truly feel alive.

Following the presentation of awards, Gold Award students, Aleemah and Ryan concluded the evening with an insight into their journey from Bronze to Gold and what completing the Duke of Edinburgh Award has meant to them.

It was a very proud moment to see so many of our students achieve their goals and we are looking forward to on-boarding the next cohort of Bronze students and moving the current students along to the next stage of their D of E adventure.