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Thomas Deacon Education Trust

Upwood Primary Academy set the ball rolling on the first TDET Charity Fundraiser

Upwood Primary Academy are the lead school for first whole Trust charity fundraising event, which will take place throughout March 2019 in aid of Little Miracles.

Little Miracles is a charity that supports families that have children with additional needs, disabilities and life limiting conditions by providing a safe and welcoming place to play, laugh and create friendships while supporting families to access the advice, support and care that they deserve.

Each school within the Trust will hold a charity Martial Arts Challenge, in which all students will have the opportunity to participate. In addition to the main event, each school will host smaller fundraising activities such as cake sales, a dance-off, a zorb football match and rainbow
dress-down in celebration of the Little Miracles rainbow colours.

This week, Little Miracles visited Upwood Primary Academy to deliver an assembly, introducing the charity and what the organisation does to support families with children with additional needs. Following the assembly, pupils from Upwood Primary visited the Ramsey branch of Little Miracles to see, first-hand, how they can support the charity in providing much needed respite and support to people in their community.

Mrs Whitelaw, Headteacher at Upwood Primary said, “Little Miracles is a Charity which makes a huge difference to the lives of children/young people and their families and we have seen first-hand the wonderful work which Little Miracles does. We are delighted to be the lead school supporting the work of the Charity across the Trust and our thanks extend to everyone who has made this fundraising event possible for this great cause.”